eyes_ears_handsServiceMax is an amazing application with dozens of features and services that help you achieve your business goals. Unfortunately, these features aren’t fully actualized if your users don’t know how to properly use them.  Training customers at ServiceMax is serious business. Our Education team looks forward to providing weekly administrator workshops, custom end user classes, train the trainer programs, we offer a host of free videos and articles on our ServiceMax Community, and more. How do you know what education offerings are best for your company?

Education starts with having some understanding about learning styles. Did you know there are three common learning styles that suit just about everyone? They are “visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.”  At ServiceMax, we offer Education Services that support all of these styles and deliver a combination of learning styles for our instructor led trainings (ILT).

Let’s learn more about what makes learning click with users. Chances are when you look at the image below, one or more of these items are relatable to you. Knowing what learning style best aligns with your comprehension and retention plays a key role in what training services you should seek.


Now that you are familiar with different learning styles let’s take a look at how ServiceMax incorporates learning styles in our Education offerings.

Education materials for these trainings also include a balance of images and exercises in a format that is visual, hands on, and enough text to ensure high comprehension for all learning styles. If you have questions about ServiceMax Education or want to know how to provide learning materials and resources that support your user community contact ServiceMax at .